General educational aspect of a mineralogical museum of the North-Eastern Federal university, Yakutsk
O.G. Tretiakova, V.R. Filippov, I.V. Kozlova, V.F. Popov
UDK 069.015:549(571.56-25) | | Read PDF (RUS) |
The paper refers to a museum of the Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University (NEFU, Yakutsk) as a socio-cultural institution. The restoration, preservation and development of the NEFU mineralogical museum requires a conceptual rethinking of its role, expansion of its functional capabilities, awareness and reassessment of its social role for the university, city and region. From the viewpoint of the museum pedagogy, the museum forms not only an educational, but also an educational and cultural environment for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality.
Keywords: museum, museum pedagogy, mineralogical collection, museology, value, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University.
Received 20.04.2021, accepted 16.09.2021
O.G. Tretiakova, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, ul. 58 Belinskogo, Yakutsk, 677000, Russia;
V.R. Filippov, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, ul. 58 Belinskogo, Yakutsk, 677000, Russia;
I.V. Kozlova, National Research Tomsk State University, pr. Lenin 36, Tomsk, 634050, Russia
V.F. Popov, Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, ul. 58 Belinskogo, Yakutsk, 677000, Russia
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