Interrelation between mineral bodies in fenite halo of the western contact of the Ilmenogorsky miaskite complex
V.A. Popov, V.A. Muftakhov
UDК 549.0 (470.55/57)
The northwestern contact of the Ilmenogorsky miaskite complex exhibits a succession of rocks from early banded meso- and melanocratic syenites to granosyenites and granites and further complex series of leucocratic syenites, carbonatites, syenitic and carbonatitic pegmatites, and, fnally, rare metal granites (as well as amazonite pegmatites). This succession is evidence of long evolution of rocks under periodical compression and opening of fractures. Various mineral facies of fenites (pyroxene, biotite, amphibole, feldspar or combined) were formed after early syenites and granites. Numerous small bodies of igneous glimmerites, melanocratic amphibole-biotite and biotite-pyrox-ene vein rocks occur in the area of the quarry.
Figures 15. Tables 1. References 4.
Key words: fenites, ontogeny, textures of aggregates, Ilmenogorsky complex.
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass,
V.A. Muftakhov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass
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