Mineralogy of inclusions in corundum from the mine no. 418, Ilmen state reserve, South Urals
M.A. Rassomakhin, V.A. Kotlyarov
UDК 549.6 + 549.517.14
Corundum crystals with rims of spinel and a wide spectrum of inclusions are studied from actinolite-mica veins in altered ultramafc rocks located among metaterrigenous rocks of the Ilme-ny-Vishnevogorsk polymetamorphic complex. In total, 32 minerals are identifed including ames-ite Mg2Al(AlSiO5)(OH)4, baddeleyite ZrO2, gersdorfte NiAsS, dissacisite-(Ce) (CaCe)(Al2Mg) (Si2O7)(SiO4)O(OH), and nickeline NiAs, which were found for the frst time in the Ilmeny Mountains. The formation of various inclusions in corundum is related to the infuence of high-Al fuid enriched in alkali elements, REEs, rare metals, and Ba during tectono-metamorphic activation of the complex.
Figures 6. Tables 8. References 7.
Key words: corundum, sapphire, spinel, inclusions, dissakisite-(Ce), baddeleyite, Ilmeny Mountains.
M.A. Rassomakhin, Ilmen State Reserve, Miass, Chelyabinsk district, 456317 Russia; Miha_Rassomahin@mail.ru
V.A. Kotlyarov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass, Chelyabinsk district 456317 Russia
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