Minerals of oxidation zone of the Elenovskoe copper porphyry deposit, Southern Urals
I.A. Blinov
About authors
List of references
Samples of oxidation zone of the Elenovskoe Cu porphyry deposit are studied using optical and scanning electronic microscopy. In addition to Fe hydroxides and abundant malachite, the supergene mineral assemblage includes native Cu and Au, Ag-containing covellite, cuprite, tenorite, plumbogummite, goyazite, iodargyrite, atacamite, and chrysocolla. The oxidized ores contains pyrite relics and high amount of tourmaline (dravite). Some dravite grains contain Cu.
Figures 3. Tables 8. References 35.
Key words: Elenovskoe deposit, cuprous gold, supergene minerals, Bronze Age metallurgy, tourmaline.
About authors
I.A. Blinov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass, Chelyabinsk oblast, 456317 Russia; blinov@mineralogy.ru
List of references
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