Nb-Fe-rich zirconolite group minerals in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya zima massif (East Sayan)
V.V. Sharygin, A.G. Doroshkevich, E.A. Khromova
UDК 549.5+553.493.541
Two compositional varieties of Nb-Fe-zirconolites have been found in calcite carbonatites of the Belaya Zima alkaline massif: «laachite» Ca2Zr2Nb2TiFe2+O14 (Nb2O5 > 28 wt. %; TiO2 < 14 wt. %) and «Nb-Fe3+-zirconolite» Ca2Zr2NbTi2Fe3+O14 (Nb2O5 < 25 wt. %; TiO2 > 16 wt. %). Maximum contents of minor components in these minerals are (wt. %): ThO2 2.2; MnO 1.5; MgO 0.6; Ta2O5 1.1; HfO2 0.6; Y2O3 0.5; REE2O3 5.7; FeO 9.4. Chemical zoning patterns of individual grains are evident of hete-rovalent Nb5+ + Fe2+ ↔ Ti4+ + Fe3+ isomorphism; the core-to-rim evolution of Ca2Zr2Nb2TiFe2+O14 → Ca2Zr2NbTi2Fe3+O14 was revealed in «laachite» in contrast to reverse trend in «Nb-Fe3+-zirconolite». The content of hypothetical CaREEZr2NbTi2(Mn,Fe)2+O14 end-member in both phases is < 15 mole %. «Laachite» occurs in carbonatites enriched in fuorcalciopyrochlore and depleted in Na-Fe-silicates (central part of the massif), whereas «Nb-Fe3+-zirconolite» was found in carbon-atites with abundant Na-Fe-amphiboles and aegirine and low amount of fuorcalciopyrochlore (near the contact with silicate rocks). The occurrence of diverse Nb-Fe-zirconolites can be related to local T-X-f O 2 conditions of calcite carbonatite crystallization. The nomenclature of the zirconolite group is briefy discussed, namely, possible allocation of Nb-Fe-zirconolites into individual subgroup (laachite, hypothetical minerals CaREEZr2NbTi2(Mn,Fe)2+O14 and Ca2Zr2NbTi2Fe3+O14).
Figures 7. Tables 3. References 59. Supplement (Tables 2, Figures 3).
Key words: zirconolite group, Nb-Fe-zirconolite, laachite, fuorcalciopyrochlore, carbonatite, Belaya Zima alkaline massif, Eastern Sayan.
V.V. Sharygin, Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk; sharygin@igm.nsc.ru
A.G. Doroshkevich, Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk; Geological Institute SB RAS, Ulan-Ude;
E.A. Khromova, Geological Institute SB RAS, Ulan-Ude
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