Statistical characteristics of trace elements of high purity quartz of the Uralian type (Ufaley quartz vein area, South Urals)
A.N. Savichev, P.A. Krasilnikov
UDK 550.84:549.514.51 (470.5)
High-purity quartz (HPQ) of the Uralian type is a hydrothermal-metasomatic variety of natural quartz, which has distinct genesis in comparison with other HPQ types. According to the results of statistical studies of economic quartz concentrates produced from HPQ of the Uralian type (vein no. 175 of the Kyshtym deposit of granular quartz), it is suggested that quartz concentrate inherits structural trace elements and mineral inclusions. Quantitative estimation of these trace elements is provided. The correlations between trace elements are caused by genetic features of hydrothermal-metasomatic quartz.
Figures 5. Tables 5. References 17.
Key words: high-purity quartz of the Uralian type, hydrothermal-metasomatic quartz, trace element contents, statistics.
A.N. Savichev, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass, Chelyabinsk district, 456317 Russia;
P.A. Krasilnikov, AO Kyshtym Mining Enterprise, Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk district, 456860 Russia
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