Titanomagnetite ores: mineral composition and mossbauer spectroscopy
V.P. Lyutoev, B.I. Gongalsky, A.B. Makeev, A.Y. Lysyuk, L.O. Magazina, V.I. Taskaev
UDК 553.494:543.429.3
Chemical and mineral composition of ilmenite-titanomagnetite ores from Chiney, Sludinsky, Bystrinsky and Kruchininsky deposits (East Siberia) are studied and compared with those from the Panzhihua pluton in China using microprobe and X-ray difraction analyses, infrared and Möss-bauer spectroscopy. The Mössbauer spectra of typical massive ores were registered for the frst time, which revealed the quantitative ratio of iron-bearing oxides and silicates and the proportion between ilmenite and titanomagnetite of major economic ore types. Three mineralogical-technological ore types were identifed: ilmenite-free, low- and high-ilmenite. It was found that only the Fe-Ti ores of the Kruchininskiy (Angashan pluton) and Sludinsky deposits with high ilmenite content meet economic requirements and are suitable for standard technological processing, whereas other deposits require new technological solutions.
Figures 14. Tables 10. References 33.
Key words: ilmenite, titanomagnetite, Chiney, Sludinsky, Bystrinsky, and Angashan plutons, East Siberia, Panzhihua pluton, China.
V.P. Lyutoev, IG Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar; vlutoev@geo.komisc.ru
B.I. Gongalsky, ИГЕМ РАН, г. Москва; abmakeev@igem.ru;
A.B. Makeev, IGEM RAS, Moscow;
A.Y. Lysyuk, IG Komi SC UB RAS, Syktyvkar;
L.O. Magazina, IGEM RAS, Moscow;
V.I. Taskaev, IGEM RAS, Moscow
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