Ontogenetic approach to the metasomatism theory
V.A. Popov
UDК 548.2+553.22
Metasomatism is a phenomenon of substitution of some minerals by other minerals under simultaneous dissolution of early minerals and crystallization of late minerals. The current physico-chemical theory of metasomatism, which is based on a principle (a law) of diferential mobility of components, does not correspond to the natural phenomena. The mineral bodies evolve in space and time under variable conditions and ontogenic approach is required for the modeling their genesis. Judging from morphological features, the metamorphic rocks of the Earth’s crust and mantle were mostly formed metasomatically. Mechanisms of local and regional metasomatism have no fundamental diferences and are caused by formation of metacrystals in solid bodies.
Figures 9. References 9.
Key words: ontogeny of minerals, metasomatism, metacrystal, pseudomorph.
V.A. Popov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass; popov@mineralogy.ru
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