Zonation of phlogopite of carbonatite–pegmatites of the Buldym deposit of the Vishnevye mountains, South Urals
V.I. Popova, V.A. Kotlyarov, I.L. Nedosekova, V.A. Popov
UDК 549 : 553.677.3
In spaen plate size 19 cm from the columnar crystal of phlogopite Buldym deposit in the Southern Urals to study the composition 43 of alternating greenish-brown, yellowish-brown and darker brown areas of opportunity for electron-probe microanalysis. Dark zones growth of phlogopite more by titaniferous and ferruginous (which is typical of the mica group, annite–phlogopite). The composition of the diferent zones of the studied phlogopite is close to the composition of the micas, the most frequently observed in the carbonatites. In phlogopite met by a rare micro-inclusions of calcite, dolomite, apatite, feldspar, magnetite, zircon and pyrochlore.
Figures 7. Tables 2. References 22.
Key words: phlogopite, zones growth, carbonatite, Buldym deposit, Southern Urals.
V.I. Popova, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass; popov@mineralogy.ru
V.A. Kotlyarov, Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass;
I.L. Nedosekova, Institute of Geology and Geochemistry UB RAS, Yekaterinburg;
V.A. Popov,Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, Miass
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