- General questions of mineralogy and crystallography
- Minerals and mineral assemblages
- History of mineralogy
- Mineralogy of mineral deposits, problems of genesis of ore deposits
- Ecological mineralogy and ecogeochemistry
- Mineralogy of technogenic objects
- Archeological mineralogy
- Biomineralogy
- Reviews and discussions
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Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the Russian Government Prize.
Valery Maslennikov was born on May 14, 1958 in Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region. In 1980, he graduated from the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute with a degree in Geological Survey, Prospecting, and Exploration of Mineral Deposits. In 1986 he defended the thesis “Stratigraphic and lithological control of massive sulfide ores” for the degree of the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. Since 1986 Valery Maslennikov is working at the Laboratory of Applied Mineralogy and Ore Genesis (now the Laboratory of Mineralogy of Ore Genesis) of the Institute of Mineralogy, Urals Branch,and Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1997, he defended the dissertation “Sedimentogenesis, halmirolysis, and ecogenesis of massive sulfide paleohydrothermal fields” for the degree of the Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
Valery Maslennikov is an internationally recognized specialist in metallogeny, lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and paleoecology of massive sulfide deposits. He has published more than 420 papers, including 18 monographs. His main scientific direction is related to the study of mineralogy of ore facies of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) and iron deposits and the elaboration of mineralogical and geochemical theories of lithogenesis of sulfide, oxide–iron, and manganese deposits from modern and ancient oceans.
The main scientific achievement of Valery Maslennikov is the development of a combined theory of lithogenesis and formation of VHMS deposits including the interaction between sedimentogenesis, halmirolysis, diagenesis, and biogenesis. Based on this theory, he developed new lithologic criteria for the forecasting the VHMS deposits.
Valery Maslennikov developed the methods of ore-facies analysis of VHMS deposits and mapping of VHMS-bearing paleohydrothermal fields in intra-arc rifts. His theory of halmirolysis and lithogenesis of polygenic sulfide, oxide-iron, and manganese deposits explains the causes of morphogenetic, ore-facies, lithological, paleoecological, and mineralogical-geochemical diversity of sulfide deposits in relation to different geotectonic settings, volcanism, and sedimentation regimes in comparison with black and gray smokers of modern oceanic rifts and island-arc basins. A multistage mineralogical-geochemical model of the formation of gold deposit in sedimentary rocks was substantiated on the basis of the results of laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). In massive sulfide ores of the Uralian and Pontide VHMS deposits, Valery Maslennikov discovered the new species and genera of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic estuary biota, which is the ancient analogs of modern hydrothermal oases, and elaborated the criteria for the identification of fossilized fauna.
Valery Maslennikov is a leader of scientific studies in Russia supported in various years by Russian and international projects (ISF, INTAS, TACIS, DAAD, MinUrals INCO COPERNICUS, UNESCO IGCP-502, AMIRA, Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Fund for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation). He organized several international field expeditions in the Urals.
In 2003, as part of a team of scientists, Valery Maslennikov was awarded by the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology for the elaboration of scientific fundamentals for the development of ore mineral resource base of the Urals.
Valery Maslennikov pays much attention to educational activities and supervises Russian and foreign graduate students. He heads the Department of Geology at the Faculty of Geology of the South-Urals State University and lectures on the course “Geology of Mineral Deposits”. He was a supervisor of two theses for the degree of the Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.
Valery Maslennikov is a member of the Presidium of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences SGA, SEG, IMA, and the Editorial Board of the Journal “Litosfera” (Lithosphere). He was invited as a lecturer and research professor to the Universities of Brest (France), Tasmania (Australia), and Freiberg Mining Academy (Germany).
He is also the laureate of the B. Skinner International Award (2011), Australian Museum Eureka International Award (2016), and A.N. Zavaritsky Medal of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2021).
Editor-in-Chief Valery Maslennikov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Key researcher at the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia. Full Professor at the Faculty of Geology, South Urals State University, Miass, Russia Expert in metallogeny, lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and paleoecology of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide and iron deposits, who developed a theory of lithogenesis of volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits showing the interaction of sedimentogenesis, halmirolysis, diagenesis, and biogenesis during their formation. He first substantiated the similarity between the Urals volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposits and modern hydrothermal sulfide fields. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2004), B. Skinner International Award (2011), Australian Museum Eureka International Award (2016), and A.N. Zavaritsky Medal of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2021). Author and co-author of 420 scientific papers, including 18 monographs. H-index: 22 (Web of Science), 28 (Scopus), 34 (Russian Science Citation Index = RSCI). | |
Co-Editor Elena Belogub, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Key researcher at the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia Expert in mineralogy of various ore deposits and methods of mineralogical analysis, who developed the basis for a theory of supergenesis of massive sulfide deposits on example of the South Urals, revealed the principles of the formation of selenides in a supergene profile of massive sulfide deposits and thermodynamically substantiated their formation, as well as systematized the data on the distribution of sulfates in the Urals. Author and co-author of the discovery of seven new minerals and more than 300 published papers (including 31 indexed in the Web of Science database) and 3 monographs. | |
Responsible Editor Irina Melekestseva, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Leading researcher at the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia Scientific interests are related to ancient massive sulfide deposits and modern hydrothermal sulfide fields. Irina Melekestseva examined the structure and mineral composition of the South Urals Co-bearing massive sulfide deposits associated with ultramafic rocks, the role of diagenesis in the transformation of ancient and modern sulfide breccias, magmatic contribution to the formation of Cu–Zn massive sulfides from several hydrothermal sulfide fields enriched in Au and Ag, the enrichment of secondary sulfides in trace elements, and similarity of lithogenesis of Paleozoic and Cenozoic barite-bearing pyrite ores. Author of 41 papers in peer-reviewed journals (including 32 papers in the Web of Science) and co-author of 5 monographs. H-index: 12 (Web of Science), 12 (Scopus), 15 (RSCI). ORCID | |
Associated Editors | |
Askhab Askhabov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Key researcher at the Institute of Geology, Komi Scientific Center UB RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia Expert in theoretical and experimental mineralogy, mineralogical crystallography, and crystallogenesis, who founded a new direction in crystallography and crystallogenesis, determined the principles of growth of artificial crystals at the regeneration stage, proposed new methods for rational use of natural crystal raw materials, synthesis of crystals, and regulation of their properties, contributed to the genetic interpretation of crystal growth characteristics and to the disclosure of the conditions of natural crystal formation, and developed new morphological, crystallophysical, and anatomical indicators of the genesis of diamond, beryl, quartz, and other minerals. Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific papers, including 15 monographs. | |
Alexei Brusnitsyn, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Professor at St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia Expert in mineralogy, geochemistry, formation conditions, and metamorphism of ore-bearing deposits in sedimentary and volcanosedimentary complexes, as well as the deposits of semi-precious stones. Laureate of the Russian Federation President’s Prize in area of education (1997). Member of the Scientific Council of the Russian Mineralogical Society (RMO). Member of the Council of GU 212.224.04 for the defense of doctoral and candidate thesis at the National Mineral Resources University “Gorny”. Author and co-author of more than 90 scientific papers. | |
Irina Galuskina, PhD Professor at University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland Specialist in crystallography and mineral spectroscopy. Author and co-author of the discovery of 34 new minerals (data of 2013). A new mineral, haluskinite, was named in honor of her great contribution to mineralogy of skarns. H-index: 21 (Scopus). | |
Richard Herrington, PhD Professor, Head of Earth Sciences Department at the Natural History Museum, London, UK Expert in formation processes of various mineral deposits and geodynamic evolution of Earth. Author and co-author of more than 400 published papers, including 68 articles in the Web of Science database. H-index: 32 (Scopus). | |
Vladimir Krivovichev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Professor at St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia; Mercator Professor, Kiel, Germany Expert in mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of rare-metal deposits associated with granitoid magmatism. Vladimir Krivovichev developed a concept of mineral systems and their application to the study of the evolution of mineral diversity. Author and co-author of more than 300 published papers (20 papers in the Web of Science database) and more than 25 monographs and textbooks. | |
Evgeny Makagonov, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Researcher at the South-Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia Expert in crystallography, mineralogy of various deposits, and mineralogical mapping. His studies were related to the development of a substantial-axiomatic theory of the structure of aggregations and transformations of minerals, symmetry of mineral indivisible aggregates, and affine homology of crystals. Author of more than 100 published papers. | |
Valery Murzin, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Key researcher Institute of Geology and Geochemistry UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia Expert in mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of gold deposits. He made a significant contribution to the theory of mineral typomorphism, as well as to one of the most serious problems of ore genesis: the identification of sources of fluids and ore substance, and the improvement of scientific methods of the forecasting and prospecting of gold deposits. Author and co-author of 375 papers, including scientific journals indexed in Web of Science database. | |
Paolo Nimis, PhD Professorat University of Padova, Italy Expert in crystal chemistry of rock-forming minerals, crystallochemical properties, formation conditions, geochemical properties, and their application to petrological, geological, and ore deposits. He has made significant contributions to the studies of thermobarometry of mafic and ultrabasic rocks and diamond inclusions, geochemistry of mantle rocks, and their relation to the diamond potential of kimberlites. He also studies volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits compared with modern seafloor mineralization. He is a leading specialist in copper metallogeny of the Alpine fold region and its archeometry. Author of more than 90 published papers in international journals. H-index: 31 (Scopus). | |
Leonid Pautov Senior researcher at the Fersman Mineralogical Museum RAS, Moscow, Russia Expert in mineralogy and crystallography of the Dara-i-Pioz alkaline pluton (Tajikistan), skarn deposits of the Inylchek Ridge (Kyrgyzstan), and pegmatites of the Ilmeny Mountains (South Urals). Author and co-author of discovery of more than 40 new minerals (as of 2017) and 48 published papers (Web of Science). The mineral pautovite was named in his honor. | |
Igor Pekov, Corresponding Member of the RAS Professor at Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Expert in mineralogy and geochemistry of alkaline postmagmatic systems, granitic pegmatites, exhalation post-volcanic processes, and supergene zone of chalcogenide deposits, as well as mineralogy, geochemistry, and crystallochemistry of rare elements, zeolite-like minerals and synthetic compounds. Author and co-author of the discovery of 202 new minerals (as of 2016) and more than 550 published papers, 429 of which are indexed in Web of Science and Scopus. | |
Ellina Sokol, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Key researcher at the Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia | |
Sergei Stepanov, PhD, Researcher Senior researcher at the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia | |
Svetlana Tessalina, PhD Head of the Radiogenic Isotope Research Unit, John de Laetare Research Center, University of Curtin, Perth, Australia The research interests are related to chemical and temporal evolution of the Earth’s lithosphere and associated mineral deposits, the development of Re–Os and Sm–Nd isotope systematics for VMS and gold deposits, which are used to improve the accuracy of geochronology and stratigraphy, and Sm–Nd isotope mapping technology for geologic terranes. Author and co-author of more than 300 published papers, including 42 articles in the Web of Science database. H-index: 20 (Scopus). | |
Valery Udachin, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Director of the South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, Miass, Russia Expert in geochemistry of mining and industrial technogenesis and mechanisms of migration and accumulation of technogenic, including toxic, chemical elements. The main topics of his study are related to the development of a theory of ecogeochemistry of mining and industrial technogenesis in the South Urals. For the Karabash and Mednogorsk geotechnical systems, he revealed the distribution and mode of occurrence of toxic elements in natural environment (soils, lake floor sediments, etc.). Author and co-author of more than 80 published papers. | |
Yury Voitekhovsky, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Professor at Herzen University, St. Petersburg, Russia Expert in geology and mineralogy of ore deposits of the Kola Peninsula, mainly kyanite and Cu–Ni deposits with platinoids. Yury Voitekhovsky develops three scientific directions at the interface of natural and mathematical sciences: systematic combinatorial-geometric analysis of (i) polyhedral structures, including fullerenes and their analogs and (ii) real crystallographic simple forms in connection with a Curie dissymmetry principle and structural analysis of crystalline rocks as a space with different topologies and non-Euclidean metrics. Author of more than 300 published papers, including 5 monographs. | |
Sergey Votyakov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Key researcher at the Institute of Geology and Geochemistry UB RAS, Yekaterinburg, Russia Expert in mineral physics and material science, who made a significant contribution to the development of modern concepts of mineral spectroscopy, obtained original results in point defects of structure of minerals, traced the dynamics of changes in the defectness of the structure under various thermodynamic and radiation effects in natural and model environments, proposed mechanisms of the formation and transformation of defects, and determined their relationship with physical and chemical properties and the environment of mineral formation. Author and co-author of more than 350 published papers (44 in Web of Science), including 8 monographs. | |
Marina Yudovskaya, PhD Leading researcher at the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry RAS, Moscow, Russia; researcher at the School of Geosciences, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Expert in geology and geochemistry of ore deposits, ore mineralogy, petrology of igneous rocks, economic geology, isotopic studies of ore systems, including platinum group elements (PGE) in chromitites, ore mineralization of the Bushveld complex (South Africa), unconventional PGE sources in gold-bearing black shale deposits, gas transport of metals in natural settings of high-temperature fumaroles, isotopic dating of ore mineralization, and PGE behavior in hydrothermal systems. Author and co-author of more than 100 published papers. |
Editorial Staff:Layout of papers and publishing of issues Proofreading |
Peer-review process: guidelines for reviewers
To maintain high scientific standards, all manuscripts submitted to Mineralogy are subject to a peer-review procedure. The review process aims to evaluate the manuscripts for publication and to offer recommendations for their improvement. The manuscripts are preliminary assessed by Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor or Responsible Editor for their suitability for Mineralogy. The peer-review process in Mineralogy obeys the following criteria.
- The reviewers are suggested by Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor or Responsible Editor. The manuscripts considered suitable are sent to two reviewers, one of which is a member of the Editorial Board. The reviewers cannot be affiliated with the organizations of the authors. The names of the authors are known for the reviewers, but the reviewers are anonymous for the authors, which is a single anonymized review type.
- In most cases, the manuscripts are sent to the authors for the revision. The revised manuscripts could again be evaluated by the reviewers if necessary.
- If the authors disagree with the opinion of the reviewers, the manuscript can be sent to another reviewers. The final decision on the publication is made by Editor-in-Chief.
- In case of rejection of the manuscript, the authors are notified by the Editor’s-in-Chief letter. The Editorial Board does not engage in discussions with the authors of rejected articles.
- The copies of the reviews are sent to the authors. The original reviews are stored at the editorial office for five years from the date of the publication and are provided to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon a request.
- The revised manuscript must be corrected using a Review mode in a word processor. The authors must also present a response to the reviewer’s comments.
- The Editor’s-in-Chief decision on the publication is final. The manuscript prepared for publication is sent to the authors for their consideration and approval of editing. In case of significant changes of the manuscript at this stage, it can be reviewed again.
Requirements for the review
The reviewers should objectively evaluate the manuscript and provide a comprehensive analysis of its scientific and methodological merits and shortcomings. The volume of the review is unlimited. The reviewers are asked to return their feedback within three weeks after the acceptance of the invitation to the review process.
The review should evaluate the relevancy, urgency, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, main results and conclusions of the study, and the quality of presentation including the whole artwork and the structure of the manuscript.
In conclusion, the review should provide recommendations on the possibility of publication of the manuscript: in the present or revised form or the manuscript is inappropriate for the publication in the Journal.
Privacy, confidentiality and informed consent policy
Manuscripts must be reviewed with respect for the authors’ confidentiality. In submitting their manuscripts for the review, the authors entrust the editors with the results of their scientific work and creative effort, on which their reputation and career may depend. Authors’ rights may be violated by disclosure of confidential details during the review of their manuscript. Reviewers also have rights to confidentiality, which must be respected by editors.
Editors must not disclose information about the manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the reviewing process, criticism by reviewers, or ultimate fate) to anyone other than the authors and reviewers. This includes requests to use the materials for legal proceedings.
Editors must make clear to their reviewers that the manuscripts sent for review are the private property of the authors. Therefore, the reviewers and members of the editorial staff must respect the authors’ rights by not publicly discussing the authors’ work or appropriating their ideas before the manuscript is published. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscript for their files and are prohibited from sharing it with others, except with the editor’s permission. Reviewers should return or destroy copies of manuscripts after submitting reviews. Editors should not keep copies of the rejected manuscripts.
Reviewer comments should not be published or otherwise publicized without permission of the reviewer, author, and editor. Reviewers’ comments could be sent to other persons reviewing the same manuscript, which helps the reviewers learn from the review process. Reviewers also may be notified about the editor’s decision on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript.
Official address
South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS, territory of the Ilmeny State Reserve, Miass, Chelyabinsk region, 456317 Russia